Empty Homes

14 December, 2022

Caerphilly County Borough Council is asking for views on how it deals with empty homes.

The consultation is now live on Caerphilly Website to seek views on ‘Private Sector Empty Homes Strategy 2023 – 2028’ sets out the Council’s plans to tackle the issue of high numbers of empty homes in the county borough. It also sets out the range of initiatives available to the Council to help owners bring their empty homes back into use.

This strategy only refers to private sector empty homes and does not extend to empty homes within the Council’s own housing stock or those owned by other Community Landlords.

Caerphilly CBC want to hear your views on the draft strategy by completing an online survey on the Council’s website at Caerphilly – Caerphilly County Borough, or by contacting the Private Sector Housing team to request a copy by calling 01443 811378 or emailing privatesectorhousing@caerphilly.gov.uk.

The consultation closes on Wednesday 18th January 2023.


Bore Da,

Mae Cyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Caerffili yn gofyn am barn ar y ffordd mae’n delio â chartrefi gwag.

Mae’r ‘Strategaeth Cartrefi Gwag yn y Sector Preifat 2023 – 2028’ ddrafft yn nodi cynlluniau’r Cyngor i fynd i’r afael â’r broblem o ran y niferoedd uchel o gartrefi gwag yn y Fwrdeistref Sirol. Mae hefyd yn nodi’r ystod o fentrau sydd ar gael i’r Cyngor i helpu perchnogion sicrhau bod eu cartrefi gwag yn cael eu defnyddio eto.

Mae’r strategaeth hon yn cyfeirio at gartrefi gwag yn y sector preifat yn unig ac nid yw’n cwmpasu cartrefi gwag o fewn stoc tai’r Cyngor ei hun neu’r rhai sy’n eiddo i landlordiaid cymunedol eraill.

Gall trigolion roi eu barn ar y strategaeth ddrafft drwy lenwi arolwg ar-lein ar wefan y Cyngor, neu drwy gysylltu â’r tîm Tai Sector Preifat i ofyn am gopi drwy ffonio 01443 811378 neu e-bostio TaiSectorPreifat@caerffili.gov.uk.

Daw’r ymgynghoriad i ben ddydd Mercher 18 Ionawr 2023.